Build your business website in minutes.
Use our drag & drop Codeless Builder to buid your website in minutes.
Business Advisory
Audit Company
Broker / Brokerage
Small Businesses
Various Companies
Financial / Accounting
Trading / Traders
Buildings / Construction
Lawyer / Law Firm
Pre Built Websites
Select one of our dedicated templates for business or corporate purpose
Theme Features
What makes Handel so powerful Business Theme?
Premium CoDEless Builder
Easy & Powerful Codeless Page and Header Builder. Drag & Drop, Live Changes, Inline Text Edit & more!
One Click Installer
Setup your site in no more than 3 minutes! Select the demo and the wizard will do the rest!
Build the Corporate website in all languages required. Create a professional experience on your site.
Tables & Charts
Easily create and manage beautiful tables and charts. Editing in a speadsheet-like interface
ONly Business Layouts
You will get all necessary layouts, templates and elements that you need to build a business site.
High Performance & SEO
Created with the latest technologies, you will feel the light page load and always a great ranking.
Real Time Customizer
Modify all your site styling in real time. Change colors, text, fonts and layouts without waiting for refresh!
Integrated with TOP PLugins
Handel is fully integrated with most useful WP plugins: WooCommerce, Contact Form, WPML, Mailchimp etc!
Free Lifetime Updates
You will get the best support and we will improve your site with new features frequently for free!
Page & Header Layouts
We have created various inner pages that can help you build a full stunning website.

Predefined Header Styles
Change Header Styles with only one click, or create a new one from scratch.

Cost Calculator Integrated
We have integrated a cost calculator module for all demos.
A great tool for your clients to estimate the cost of an operation

Customizable Elements
50+ Elements, with unlimited options and possibilities.
Build everything in real-time with Codeless Builder. Use Predefined Elements!

Row - Columns
Build any layout with Codeless Builder. Add backgrounds, parallax effects and various overlays.

Icon Service Medium
Customize Wrapper form, size and colors. Also change typography and distances between service parts.

Add a default style button (from general theme style) or a custom sized or colored from scratch.

Custom Heading
Add a custom heading anywhere. Use predefined styles or create a new one. Google Fonts included.

Icon Service Top
Not only Icons, you can use animated SVG or custom image sizes. Also you can add a shadow to wrapper.

Everywhere on a page you can add a divider between two elements. Custom width, color, styles.

Inline Edit all texts. Click and edit, add custom fonts styles, colours and links. All of this in real-time.

Linked Services
Link various services with each other as steps. Icons and texts are all inline editable. Just click & edit in real-time.

Media Element with Image, Video, Video with image placeholder, Livephoto and a lot of style options.

Icon Service Small
Create a service with Icon or only text, with title and subtitle and a lot of other options to choose from.

Page Header
Custom image, color, typography, animation, style, gradients, different styles and text positions.

A gallery of images or other media ( like external media ). Create a simple gallery, slider or a carousel one.