WordPress Website building can be easier with Folie WordPress Theme. New kind of page builder you will change everything in seconds and you will see it live. The Codeless Page builder it is faster like no other builder on the market. You will change everything on the fly. It is intuitive and simple. Codeless Team have used the best Technology inspired by Medium Editor and SquareSpace. This theme will start a new era for WordPress themes.
Folie WordPress Theme with Live Visual Builder

Build in Realtime
We have used the native WordPress Customizer in this case. You will find every option of the theme in the left sidebar.
For the first time even portfolios, staff, clients, testimonials will be added in realtime.
Access any element option, section, background, font, color, border etc by click directly on the live site on the right window and set all this options on the left option sidebar.
Live Slider Composer
The first Slider that can be edited directly live on the page and you can also check how it will look with the rest of the theme.

Visual Header Builder
Header is the main section of the website so we have made it easily to customize. You can add elements on the header and drag and drop them live and see how does it look. You can also set directly a predefined header styles.
Improved Performance
GPU Accelerated Performance means that this theme will force browser to use GPU instead CPU to render the website. GPU is faster and will also save battery to laptop and phones. Now your website page will load fast and scroll so smoothly. Parallax will not overload your browser anymore.

Draggable Widths & Heights
No more loosing time by refresh browser and again change tab to adjust element margin or padding. You have only to type Shift and drag your mouse to change padding and margins. Seems like your are using Photoshop.
Modern Design
There is a conglomerate of modern design and functionality demos. Folie WordPress Theme comes bundled with this amazing templates built with dedication to the details. Every template was built to looks modern and very user friendly. Theme built by 10+ years of experienced team of designers and developers