Remote work has become popular in today's workspace. Almost every business utilizes this working system, from giant corporations to small startups.
Remote work, also known as telecommuting, distance working, and work from anywhere, has existed since the inception of humankind but became acknowledged over the last few decades. Thanks to the lockdown, this working system gained immense popularity and is now in vogue.
If you're looking to tap into the world of remote work, either as a fast-growing organization, a new startup, or a team leader, we have researched and compiled all the essential statistics you'll need to learn about, exploit and develop your remote workspace in 2023.
Key Remote Work Statistics
- 36.2 Million Americans will work remotely by 2025.
- It's estimated that 1 in 4 American workers will continue to work remotely until the end of 2023.
- Around 30% of the population has been working from home during pandemic period.
- Over 77% of remote workers are more productive when working from home.
- 16% of companies in the world are fully remote.
- 74% of workers say that having the option to work remotely would make them less likely to leave a company.
Most Valuable Remote Work Statistics
1. 99% of workers prefer remote work and would rather stay as remote workers forever
Humans love and value their comfort so much. Based on this, many companies have introduced remote work as a substitute for office work. This became more adopted during the lockdown. Apparently, remote work has come to stay, as even more employees prefer this work system.
2. The healthcare industry has the highest percentage of remote workers (15%), followed by the technology and finance industry at 10% and 9%, respectively.
(Owl Labs)
Software companies are expected to have the highest number of remote workers, but recent statistics have proved that wrong. Instead, the healthcare industry has the highest number of remote workers. This demonstrates that remote work has become widely accepted and can be done in almost every industry.
3. Remote workers earn an average of $4000 more than other types of workers
Remote work is appealing enough with the specs that come with it – ease, flexibility, and more. Yet, it offers a higher earning potential. In fact, some remote workers earn more than average office workers. Statistics from FlexJobs show that companies pay their remote workers more than other workers. This could be because many remote workers are executives or senior employees. At any rate, this means there is an excellent possibility of earning more from remote work.
4. 22% of workers say the downside of remote work is unplugging after work, while 19% believe it to be loneliness and 17% say it is communication and association
Anything with advantages has its disadvantages. For example, although organizations provide their remote workers with several platforms for meetings, collaboration, and group work, it is not enough. These online platforms have not been able to fill in for good communication and building functional relationships, which should be an element of office work.
5. 68% of employees in the world today do remote work on an average of once every month
(Owl Labs)
While 68% of employees work remotely once every month, 52% say they do so at least once per week. Maybe not often or full time; many people do know and practice remote working than expected.
6. From 2005 to 2018, remote work rose by 173% in the US
(Global Workspace Analytics)
We love to attach the growth of remote work to the covid 19 lockdown period, but this statistic had proved that remote work had been on the rise way before the lockdown even happened.
7. One survey showed 18% of people were full-time remote workers
(Owl Labs)
This could also mean about two of every ten employees work from anywhere they want apart from the office. It's no surprise since companies are moving many of their employees remotely. It's a win-win situation for both the employer and the employee.
8. Remote work is still not accepted in 44% of organizations in the world
(Owl Labs)
Several reasons contribute to these statistics, but the most significant percentage would be the inability to work from anywhere apart from the company. For instance, the factory workers of a manufacturing company would not be able to manufacture elsewhere apart from the location where the manufacturing facilities are. Others could be the need for on-site personnel, physical teamwork, and more. However, with the recent rise in telecommuting, this statistic will likely reduce in a few years.
Remote Work Income Generation Statistics
9. For every remote worker a company has, they make an average profit or savings of $2000
Many expenses come with office workers or on-site workers, as some address them. For example, more on-site employees mean a larger office space with more facilities, higher frequency of maintenance of these facilities, more bills and other office supplies, insurance at times, and others. Companies can now save all of these expenses with remote work, utilizing the profit made in other organizations' sectors. This indicates that not only employees benefit from remote work.
10. Remote work allows employees to save an average of $7000 every year.
Several expenses characterize the life of an average office employee. For example, they need transportation to get to work, need to buy lunch most times, pay for their kid's daycare, and may even get house help. Most of these things are excluded from the list for remote workers, enabling them to save as much as $7000 on average per year.
11. In a survey, 25% of office workers say they would accept a 10% salary reduction to become remote workers.
(Owl Labs)
Surprisingly, many employees would accept a more significant cut in salary to work from home. This shows that many people have become aware of the benefits of remote work that they would give up a part of their salary to work conveniently from home. This statistic also points to the fact that the percentage of remote workers will increase as the years go by.
12. 30% of telecommuters saved an average of $5420 in a year.
(CoSo Cloud)
As reported by CoSo Cloud, more than a quarter of remote workers in the US save $5420 per year. This is not surprising, as it is expected that remote work helps to reduce the majority of the expenses office workers encounter. This helps them save more of their income. Saving more also allows remote workers to invest in other opportunities, thereby allowing them to become more successful than their colleagues who work on site.
13. Companies can save an extra $11000 on average per remote worker in a year.
(Global Workspace Analytics)
According to Global Workspace Analytics, organizations can make an extra $11000 profit per employee that works remotely. This is because other expenses have either been totally removed or drastically reduced. It would be incredible for a new organization to save $11000 in profit in a year per employee. This would bring about more capital for other investments.
Remote Work Trend Statistics
14. 25% to 30% of employees would become remote workers as at the end of 2021
(Global Workplace Analytics)
Global Workplace Analytics predicted from their surveys that the number of employees to become remote workers by the end of 2021 would be 25% to 30%. This statistic is supported by the recent adoption rate of remote work.
15. 42% of prospective remote workers say they would be working remotely more often for the next few years.
(Owl Labs)
This percentage of workers are people already familiar with the telecommuting system and have a prospective job in this niche. These workers plan to continue as remote workers. Also, workers new to remote work have indicated that they would prefer doing it for a long time. Many of them definitely must have arrived at this conclusion after evaluating the option of remote work very well. This is a positive sign for the business world as 42% is a large number.
16. By 2028, the percentage of teams with remote workers will hit 73%
Apart from the companies at large, a total of 73% of teams around the world would be working remotely. This statistic from Upwork is proof that the future is bright for the remote workspace and it is indeed becoming widely accepted all over the world.
17. 99% of remote workers say they would like to remain so for a long while
Most people who have experienced remote work prefer working from home. A survey by Buffer shows that almost all remote workers are content with telecommuting. They love the freedom it gives them, the ease, and the flexibility that comes with it.
18. 69% of young team leaders embrace telecommuting
The Gen Z generation is characterized by a wide acceptance and use of technology and the internet. The younger generation are more likely to tap into the ever-growing world of technology than older people. This contributes to the large percentage from this statistic by Upwork. Younger team leaders understand the benefits of telecommuting and can effectively navigate the tools needed to work from anywhere.
They can educate their members on using these tools, which allows them to create a productive remote work team. This statistic is likely to keep increasing as more and more young people become managers or team heads and other executives.
19. In a survey in April 2020, 67% of companies said they spent more on web conferencing software.
April 2020 was the highlight of the lockdown. This made many companies adopt remote work as an alternative rather than a complete shutdown. A lot of money was spent on digital tools that enabled effective remote work. Web conferencing became one of the major backbones of remote working. The rise in web conferencing software usage has increased steadily since then. Even after the lockdown, these companies continue to use this software for remote working and team building.
20. Zoom became one of the most used web conferencing software since 2020
Zoom's popular webinar software seized the opportunity presented by the lockdown to grow. During the period, its customer base grew and became more relevant to the remote workspace.
21. 86% of organizations around the world have created policies for absences due to similar covid 19 occurrences
According to reports, many companies were able to test their remote workforce and productivity during the 2020 Covid 19 pandemic. Interestingly, the after effect of the pandemic is unpredictable. For this reason, many innovative companies have created policies that enable them to manage remote work effectively. This is to help them handle the effect of another pandemic peradventure there is another wave.
Aside the pandemic, many other occurrences could cause the absence of essential employees at work. These policies will allow them to work from anywhere and reduce the damage to the company. It will also grant the employees time to recuperating.
22. From 2009 till now, the business world has seen an increase of 159% in remote workers.
(Global Workplace Analytics)
The birth of newer technology that supports long-distance cooperation can be the primary catalyst of the growth of the remote workspace. This could result to the steady increase in the number of remote workers. From 2009 till now, many web conferencing software and other applications have been developed, and new ones continue to surface. The better software suitable for distance work is created, the more remote workers the business world is likely to have.
Remote Work Benefits, Pros And Cons Statistics
23. People who work remotely can balance work with other areas of their lives
(Owl Labs)
Working from anywhere is bebefucial as remote workers can engage in several activities that their on-site colleagues can't. They can utilize the time saved from working remotely with their loved ones, taking care of their kids, doing their hobbies, or even cooking themselves a lovely meal.
24. Working from home has reduced the release of greenhouse gases by 600,000 cars.
(State of Telecommuting)
Working remotely is not only beneficial to the workers and employers, it also benefits the environment. More remote workers mean fewer cars on the road, which in turn means less pollution. This can help address the global warming situation in the world and help create a better standard of living for everyone else. This statistic from the State of Telecommuting has proven that businesses can play a massive role in saving the planet if they allow more workers to work remotely.
25. 77% of workers say they're more productive when they work remotely.
(CoSo Cloud)
Many people believe working in a typical office setting helps you concentrate more and deliver better results. To an extent, this could be true and would probably make up for the rest of the 23% that are more productive at work. However, most worker get more comfortable and practical under different conditions.
Some worker may work better at home, some in a coffee shop, or outside on the patio as the case may be. According to a statistic by Flexjob, 75% of workers prefer remote work to avoid distractions. This can only support this statistic by CoSo Cloud mentioned earlier.
26. 16% of organizations in the world today operate 100% remotely.
(Owl Labs)
Some organizations have adopted the remote workspace and have no physical location or head office. This makes sense when you think about how much it costs to set up an office and maintain it. Many startups could make good use of all that money by channeling it towards the growth and publicity of their business.
Statistics by Owl Labs show that about 16% of organizations worldwide now operate 100% remotely. This is a promising figure that proves that remote work is getting more integrated into the working system. It is also influencing our employment choices and is most likely to increase in the future.
27. Most organizations only train about 70% of their remote workers.
Initially, many organizations do not train all their employees at large. Of course, they could offer seminars, conferences, and maybe workshops, but not every employee gets to receive a full course training sponsored by the company. This is most likely the case with remote workers as well as only 70% get trained by the organization.
The cost of online training could also factor in as one of the reasons not all remote workers are trained. Employees that desire to receive training to do better mainly rely on knowledge from online courses, for which they bear the cost.
28. A small 23% of telecommuters receive sponsorship for co-working space from the organization.
Sometimes, remote work employees may need to work together on specific projects or for other reasons. Apart from these, part-time remote workers may need to be at the office on some days or report at a different location per the company's directives. Still, only a tiny fraction of these workers get the costs of these appearances covered by the company. A whopping 77% do not get any sponsorship from their employees.
29. In 2020, there was a 9% increase in searches related to team building.
(Think With Google)
It's no surprise that more people are searching for ways to build teams on Google. They understand that information is vital, and Google is an information bank. However, with the rise in acceptance of remote work worldwide, building an effective team has become much more complicated than it used to be.
This can be attributed to the absence of team members or workers in a particular physical location. As the trends change, new methods have to be adopted for more productivity. This results to an increase in percentage of remote workers and also in the popularity of remote work.
30. 54% of IT professionals believe remote work will expose the company to more security risks.
OpenVpn a VPN software company said: Since remote work is powered by technology, remote workers can not work without the internet. However, almost everything on the internet is prone to Cyber threats. Interestingly, fast-growing companies and top multinational organizations are usually the targets of cyberattacks.
These cybercriminals look to monetize these companies' classified information. Therefore, new and fast-growing companies must strengthen their cyber security and constantly check for loopholes if they enter the remote workspace.
31. 75% of those who work from home say they are responsible for internet cost.
The majority of remote workers foot their internet bill themselves. Only about 18% confirm that their organizations were responsible for their internet bills. Interestingly, only about 7% said the company was partially involved.
Statistics Of Remote Work Future
32. 74% of companies will make some of their employees permanent remote workers.
In research by Gartner in 2020, 74% of organizations said they planned to move at least 5% of their workforce online. This is no surprise as the covid 19 lockdown caught a lot of companies unaware and led to massive losses. But, on the other hand, the pandemic opened up a new way of doing things and enlightened business owners on opportunities that were available before now.
Apart from the remote workspace serving as a risk management strategy, business owners have also learned to manage costs using the work from anywhere model.
33. 85% of managers say many teams will fully adopt remote work
In a survey by TECLA, 85% of managers are optimistic that remote work will become adopted in the workspace for many teams. It appears many managers now see that productivity is not limited to the physical workspace, and a lot more can be done remotely. Although some managers still insist on a mixture of the two, the trend has shifted from not believing in remote work to adopting its potential for team building.
34. By 2025, 36 million Americans will become remote workers
(Future Workforce Report)
The remote workspace is expected to become more crowded than it is in the next five years. As a result, it should hit at least double the number of remote workers before the lockdown.
35. By 2030, there should be at least 255 million remote workers globally
This statistic is based on the prediction that by 2030, almost all desk jobs available currently will be done remotely. As a result, employees will be able to pick the system of working that suits them more.
Although remote work has become part and parcel of the business world, some industries may never join in this fast-growing workspace. An example is the transport industry, a more significant part of the manufacturing industry. However, one thing is clear from these statistics, which is remote work has come to stay, and the earlier we leverage it, the better for employer or an employee to make the most out of it.

Ludjon, who co-founded Codeless, possesses a deep passion for technology and the web. With over a decade of experience in constructing websites and developing widely-used WordPress themes, Ludjon has established himself as an accomplished expert in the field.